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Chakramama Healing Blogs

Thimela Garcia
5 min read
Why Crystals are so effective for Energy Healing.
By Thimela Garcia What is energy healing? Energy healing is an effective way to work with the imbalances in your energy body. There is...

Thimela Garcia
3 min read
The Benefits of Green Tea: Why It's Good For You
For thousands of years, the Chinese have been drinking green tea that has long been attributed for its medicinal properties, which the...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
The Truth About Emotional Intelligence
Too often people confuse emotional intelligence with controlling their emotions; shutting them down and being stoic. This is a tragedy...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
What is Reiki?
Reiki is also a form of meditation used as a type of therapy for treating physical, emotional, and mental diseases. The name Reiki is...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
10 Tips for Self Care During Divorce
Divorce is a major stress. Here are tips to navigate those troubled waters. What a gift you will give yourself and everyone around you if...

Thimela Garcia
2 min read
Isn't It Time To Try Kundalini Yoga?
In Kundalini yoga, the special energy is likened to a powerful serpent lying asleep at the base of the spine.
hatha yoga battersea
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